Local Businesses

At the City of Evant we encourage everyone to Shop our Local Merchants! If you have a business you wish to share, please contact us and send us the information.

Business Name Address Phone Type of Business
Main Street Diner 101 E. Brooks Dr. (254) 471-3174 Restaurant
Giovanni's 125 E. Brooks (254) 471-3125 Restaurant
Stranded 131 A E. Brooks Dr (254) 206-1135 Full Service Hair Care
I.O. Ranch Processing  932 N Hwy 281 (254) 471-5300 Processing Plant
Gholson Gap Gallery 138 S. Hwy 281 (254) 471-5603 Unique Gift Shop
The Elk Stop 14981S. Hwy 281 (254) 471-3557 Gas Station/Grill
Th McCannic Shop 916 Hwy 84 (254) 471-5570 Auto Parts & Tires
Evant Star Newspaper 326 N FM 183 (254) 471-5767  
Evant Feed & Fertilizer 104 E Live Oak St (254) 471-5541 Farming & Ranching Needs 
Harrington's Station 695 E Hwy 84 (254) 471-5520 Tire & Oil Change
M&W Ag Supply 202 S. Hwy281 (254) 471-5500 Agricultural Needs 
Burks Real Estate 715 E Hwy 84 (254) 865-3601  
Brewskie's Watering Hole 14871 S Hwy 281 (254) 471-3757 Pizza, Wings & Beer
Natalie Hall

127 Lake Rd. Ste 300
Belton Tx. 76513

(254) 248-4012 mobile
(254) 233-2187 office

Loan Officer 